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For over 17 years, NWIAA has been growing Character, Health, & Income from the Ground Up!
The largest and fastest “growing” Non-Profit Women In Agriculture Association in the World!
National Women In Agriculture Association's 5 Initiatives:
We are working to become a "pilot program" to 4-H " to
provide equal and sustainable life skill opportunities to:
Save our children lives from incarceration and death.
Economic Development - provide sustainable job opportunities.
Increasing the number of black farmers are down to approximately less than 1%.
Serve as a recruiting agent/bridge to colleges by educating our children at early ages about the sustainable opportunities in agriculture.
Eradicate Food Desert issues.

The USDA Excludes Female Minority Farmers from American Rescue Plan Funding The National Women in Agriculture Association Fights for Equality
The SOLUTION to America's Poverty, Inequalities and to Commence America's
History through The Minority Women & Children Equality Inclusion Act

There is not a single organization focused on the empowerment of minority, women farmers. TO DATE, THERE'S NEVER BEEN A BLACK CHARTER ON RECORD.
NWIAA was excluded from the American Rescue Plan, which allocated 75 million dollars.
NWIAA is the Largest Non-Profit Women-in-Agriculture Organization in the Country, with a focus on minority women farmers and educating minority youth towards a career in agriculture.
We are asking President Biden to sign an executive order to officially name NWIAA as a Charter Organization, similar to the 4-H organization, so that NWIAA can receive lifetime sustainable funding to grow each of our chartered organizations.
Our overall goal is Equality & Inclusion of minority farmers in the Agricultural Industry, and to educate our minority youth for careers in agriculture.


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1701 N. Martin Luther King Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73111
24/7 Line: +1 202-643-0590
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