NWIAA New York Chapter Leaders

Email: carla.pattin@gmail.com
As a college professor and garden coach, I affirm that agriculture and gardening belongs to every woman, transcending age, race, sexual orientation, ability, gender, religion, and status. I view these diverse identity markers as fertile ground for innovation within agriculture and gardening.
My teaching, research, service, and urban farming management experience reflect a deep commitment to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) frameworks in agriculture and gardening through digital products such as webinars, courses, books, blogs, mobile apps, and service-learning projects with college students.
New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA)
NYSERDA has three very important agriculture energy efficiency programs. Flyers for AEAP & RTAP as well.
Agriculture Energy Audit Program (AEAP): This program offers NY state farmers no-cost energy audits to help identify energy efficiency opportunities on their farm.
REAP Technical Assistance Program (RTAP): This program has been designed to assist farmers at no-cost to make applications to the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP). If awarded, farmers can receive up to 50% of the total project cost.
Energy Best Practices for Agriculture: The best practices have been developed to help educate producers about energy efficient technologies, how they function, the average cost, as well as an average payback in years.
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1701 N. Martin Luther King Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73111
24/7 Line: +1 202-643-0590